We are Always Returning
Awareness moves with speed and grace, keeping track of the inner and outer worlds. So we are always wandering off, seemingly, and then returning to our focus.
Sanskrit words for return
The first 100:
- 1 adhigama (return)
2 anāvṛtti (return)
3 anupakārin (return)
4 anuparivṛt (return)
5 anuparyāgā (return)
6 anubhoga (return)
7 abhisamāvṛt (return)
8 abhūyaḥsaṃnivṛtti (return)
9 abhyupanivṛt (return)
10 āgam (return)
11 āgati (return)
12 āgantos (return)
13 ādhāv (return)
14 āvṛt (return)
15 āvraj (return)
16 i (return)
17 ujjīv (return)
18 uttamalābha (return)
19 udyāpanikā (return)
20 upavṛt (return)
21 upasamāvṛt (return)
22 upāgam (return)
23 upāvṛt (return)
24 upāvartana (return)
25 upāvṛtti (return)
26 gāndharvī (return)
27 chandakanivartana (return)
28 jīvitavya (return)
29 nirvyāvṛtti (return)
30 niryat (return)
31 nivṛt (return)
32 nivartana (return)
33 nivartin (return)
34 nivṛtta (return)
35 nivṛtti (return)
36 niṣkraya (return)
37 parāmi (return)
38 parāvṛt (return)
39 parivṛt (return)
40 parivarta (return)
41 parivartana (return)
42 parivṛtti (return)
43 paryāvṛt (return)
44 paryāvarta (return)
45 parye (return)
46 punarāgama (return)
47 punarāyana (return)
48 punarāvarta (return)
49 punarāvṛtti (return)
50 punarupāgama (return)
51 punarhan (return)
52 punaḥpratinivartana (return)
53 pūrvarūpa (return)
54 prati (return)
55 pratikrūra (return)
56 pratidūta (return)
57 pratipāpa (return)
58 pratipraṇāma (return)
59 pratipraśna (return)
60 pratipriya (return)
61 pratiprekṣaṇa (return)
62 pratipraiṣa (return)
63 prativastu (return)
64 pratyanuyoga (return)
65 pratyastra (return)
66 pratikūj (return)
67 pratikṛ (return)
68 pratikṛti (return)
69 praticikīrṣu (return)
70 pratikram (return)
71 pratikrudh (return)
72 pratikrodha (return)
73 pratigad (return)
74 pratigam (return)
75 pratigati (return)
76 pratigamana (return)
77 pratigarj (return)
78 pratigarjana (return)
79 pratigarjanā (return)
80 pratigā (return)
81 pratijihīrṣu (return)
82 pratitaḍ (return)
83 pratidā (return)
84 pratidāna (return)
85 pratidruh (return)
86 pratidhā (return)
87 pratinand (return)
88 pratiniryat (return)
89 pratinirvap (return)
90 pratinivṛt (return)
91 pratinivartita (return)
92 pratinivṛtta (return)
93 pratinivṛtti (return)
94 pratinyāgam (return)
95 pratipad (return)
96 pratipare (return)
97 pratipūj (return)
98 pratipṝ (return)
99 pratiprabrū (return)
100 pratiprayam (return)
(H2) | adhi-gama [p= 20,3] [p= 21,1] [L=4227]
m. |
the act of attaining , acquisition
[p= | 21,1] [L=4227.1]
acquirement , mastery , study , knowledge
[L=4227.2] |
mercantile return , profit , |
(H2) | an-āvṛtti [p= 28,3] [L=5667]
f. |
non-return to a body , final emancipation.
(H1) | an-upakārin [p= 34,2] [L=6578]
mfn. |
not assisting , disobliging , ungrateful , not making a return for benefits received
[L=6579] |
unserviceable , useless.
(H1) | anu-pari- √ vṛt [p= 34,3] [L=6666]
to return , be repeated |
S3Br. xiv.
(H1) | anu-pary-ā- √ gā 1 [p= 35,1] [L=6672]
( |
aor. 3. pl. -ā*gur) to revolve , return to AitBr.
(H2) | anu-bhoga [p= 36,2] [L=6914]
m. |
(in law) enjoyment , a grant of hereditary land in return for service.
(H1) | abhi-sam-ā- √ vṛt [p= 73,1] [L=12811]
Ved. (3. |
pl. -ā́vartante and impf. -ā*vartanta ; fut. p. -vartsyamāna) to return home TBr. &c
(H1) | a-bhūyaḥ-saṃnivṛtti [p= 75,1] [L=13112]
f. |
no return any more Ragh. x , 28.
(H1) | abhy-upa-ni- √ vṛt [p= 79,1] [L=13606]
to return , be repeated , |
(H1) | ā- √ gam [p= 129,2] [L=22530]
P. |
-gacchati (Impv. -gacchatāt S3Br. xiv ; 2. sg. -gahi [frequently , in RV. ] , once -gadhi [ RV. viii , 98 , 4] ; perf. -jagā́ma RV. &c ; Pot. -jagamyāt RV. ; Subj. -gamat ; aor. 3. sg. -agāmi RV. vi , 16 , 19 ; Subj. 2. du. -gamiṣṭam RV. ) to come , make one's appearance , come near from (abl.) or to (acc. or loc.) , arrive at , attain , reach RV. AV. &c ;
(generally with púnar) to return TS. S3Br. &c ;
to fall into (any state of mind) , have recourse to R. Pan5cat. ;
to meet with (instr.) MBh. iii , 2688 : Caus. (Impv. 2. sg. -gamaya) to cause to come near AV. vi , 81 , 2 ;
-gamayati , to announce the arrival of (acc.) Pat. on Pa1n2. 3-1 , 26 ;
(Pot. A1. -gamayeta ; perf. P. -gamayām-āsa) to obtain information about (acc.) , ascertain Gobh. MBh. v , 132 , &c ;
to learn from (abl.) MBh. v , 1247 Pa1n2. 1-4 , 29 Ka1s3. Ragh. x , 72 : A1. -gamayate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 21 Comm.) to wait for (acc.) , have patience La1t2y. : Intens. -ganīganti , to approach repeatedly (acc.) RV. vi , 75 , 3 : Desid. (p. -jigamiṣat) to be about to come A1s3vGr2.
(H2) | ā́-gati [L=22555]
f. |
arrival , coming , return RV. ii , 5 , 6 VS. &c
[L=22556] |
origin |
[L=22557] |
rise , origination (as of the world) |
R. ii , 110 , 1.
(H2) | ā́-gantos [p= 129,3] [L=22571]
Ved. |
Inf. " to return " S3Br. xii.
(H1) | ā- √ dhāv [p= 138,3] [L=24165]
P. |
ā́-dhāvati (A1. only p. -dhāvamāna MBh. ) to flow towards , run near RV. ix , 17 , 4 and ix , 67 , 14 ;
to come running , run or hasten towards ;
to return RV. La1t2y. S3Br. Hariv.
(H1) | ā- √ vṛt 1 [p= 156,1] [L=27213]
P. |
(only pf. in RV. , -vavárta) A1. -vartate (aor. 3. sg. ā́*vṛtsata RV. viii , 1 , 29 ; Inf. -vṛ́te RV. iii , 42 , 3) to turn or draw round or back or near RV. S3a1n3khS3r. ;
to turn or go towards ;
to turn round or back , return , revolve RV. AV. VS. S3Br. ChUp. MBh. Katha1s. R. &c : Caus. P. -vartayati (Ved. Subj. -vavártati Pot. -vavṛtyāt , &c ) A1. -vartayate (Ved. Pot. -vavṛtīta , &c ) to cause to turn , roll ;
to draw or turn towards ;
to lead near or towards ;
to bring back ;
to turn round or back RV. AV. VS. TBr. MBh. BhP. &c ;
to repeat , recite , say repeatedly ;
to pray A1s3vS3r. Ka1tyS3r. Katha1s. R. Hariv. &c : Intens. -varīvartti RV. i , 164 , 31 AV. ix , 10 , 11 , &c , to move quickly or repeatedly.
(H2) | ā-vṛ́t 2 [p= 156,2] [L=27257]
f. |
turning towards or home , entering RV.
[L=27258] |
turn of path or way , course , process , direction |
AV. VS. TS. S3Br.
[L=27259] |
progress of an action , occurrence , a series of actions |
S3Br. AitBr. &c
[L=27260] |
doing an act without speaking or silently ( |
cf. agnihotrā*vṛt) S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vS3r. &c
[L=27261] |
order , method |
Whitney Roots links: i1
(H1) | i 1 [p= 163,2] [L=28533]
the third vowel of the alphabet , corresponding to |
i short , and pronounced as that letter in kill &c
(H1) | i 2 [p= 163,3] [L=28536]
ind. |
an interjection of anger , calling , sorrow , distress , compassion , &c , (g. cā*di Pa1n2. 1-4 , 57 , &c )
(H1) | i 3 [L=28537]
base of |
Nom. and Acc. sg. du. and pl. of the demonstrative pronoun idam , " this " or " that "
[L=28537.1] |
([ |
cf. ítara , itas , iti íd , idā́ , iyat , iva , iha: cf. also Lat. id ; Goth. ita ; Eng. it ; Old Germ. iz ; Mod. Germ. es.])
(H1) | i 4 [L=28538]
m. |
N. of kāmadeva L.
(H1) | i 5 [L=28539]
cl.2 P. |
éti (Impv. 2. sg. ihí) and 1. P. A1. áyati , ayate ([cf. √ay]) , (pf. iyāya [2. sg. iyátha AV. viii , 1 , 10 , and iyétha RV. ] fut. eṣyati ; aor. aiṣīt ; inf. etum , étave RV. and AV. , étavaí RV. étos RV. ityaí RV. i , 113 , 6 , 124 , 1) to go , walk ;
to flow ;
to blow ;
to advance , spread , get about ;
to go to or towards (with acc.) , come RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. R. Hit. Ragh. &c ;
to go away , escape , pass , retire RV. AV. S3Br. R. ;
to arise from , come from RV. ChUp. ;
to return (in this sense only fut.) MBh. R. ;
(with punar) to come back again , return MBh. R. Pan5cat. &c ;
to succeed Mn. iii , 127 ;
to arrive at , reach , obtain RV. AV. S3Br. S3ak. Hit. &c ;
to fall into , come to ;
to approach with prayers , gain by asking (cf. ita) ;
to undertake anything (with acc.) ;
to be employed in , go on with , continue in any condition or relation (with a part. or instr. e.g. asura-rakṣasāni mṛdyamānāni yanti , " the asuras and Rakshases are being continually crushed " S3Br. i , 1 , 4 , 14 ; gavāmayanene*yuḥ , " they , were engaged in the [festival called] gavāmayana " Ka1tyS3r. xxv , 5 , 2) ;
to appear , be Kat2hUp. : Intens. A1. ī́yate ( RV. i , 30 , 18 ; p. iyāná RV. ; inf. iyádhyai RV. vi , 20 , 8) to go quickly or repeatedly ;
to come , wander , run , spread , get about RV. AV. VS. ;
to appear , make one's appearance RV. AV. Br2A1rUp. ;
to approach any one with requests (with two acc.) , ask , request RV. AV. : Pass. ī́yate , to be asked or requested RV. : Caus. āyayati , to cause to go or escape Vop. ;
([cf. Gk. εἶ-μι , ἴ-μεν ; Lat. e-o , i1-mus , i-ter , &c ; Lith. ei-mi4 , " I go " ; Slav. i-du7 , " I go " , i-ti , " to go " ; Goth. i-ddja , " I went. "])
(H1) | uj- √ jīv [p= 174,3] [L=30558]
( |
ud- √jīv) P. -jīvati , to revive , return to life Bhat2t2. MBh. : Caus. P. -jīvayati , to restore to life , animate Comm. on Kum.
(H3) | ut-tamá--lābha [p= 177,3] [L=31111]
m. |
great profit , a double return.
(H2) | ud-yāpanikā [p= 191,1] [L=33468]
f. |
return home from a journey , Hpar.
(H1) | upa- √ vṛt [p= 207,2] [L=35839]
A1. |
-vartate , to step or walk upon A1s3vS3r. ii , 4 , 8 , 3 ;
to move or come near , approach , fall to R. BhP. ;
to return: Caus. A1. -vartayate , to cause to move up ;
to stroke upwards TBr. ;
to cause to recover Katha1s.
(H1) | upa-sam-ā- √ vṛt [p= 209,3] [L=36152]
A1. |
-vartate , to return home TBr. iii , 2 , 1 , 5 S3Br. iii.
(H1) | upā* - √ gam [p= 212,3] [L=36587]
P. |
-gacchati (Ved. Impv. 2. sg. -gahi) to come near , come towards , step near , approach RV. AV. vii , 48 , 2 ; xix , 4 , 3 MBh. Pan5cat. &c ;
to come back , return Katha1s. ;
to approach , come or enter into any state or condition , be subject to MBh. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c ;
to occur , come or fall to one's share Ya1jn5. ii , 143.
(H1) | upā* - √ vṛt 1 [p= 214,3] [L=36816]
A1. |
(rarely P.) -vartate , -ti (Impv. 2. pl. -vavṛdhvam [for -vavṛddhvam] RV. ) to turn towards , go towards , approach , stand by the side of RV. viii , 20 , 18 TS. TBr. S3Br. AitBr. MBh. &c ;
to apply one's self to , approach for protection MBh. BhP. ;
to fall to one's share MBh. BhP. ;
to return , come back MBh. R. S3ak. &c : Caus. P. -vartayati , to cause to turn or go towards S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. ;
to lead near or back , bring back MBh. R. Das3. ;
to draw back , divert , cause to desist from Sus3r. MBh. ;
to cause to get breath (e.g. horses) MBh. vii.
(H2) | upā* -vṛ́t 2 [L=36819]
f. |
return AV. vi , 77 , 3 VS. xii , 8.
(H1) | upā* -vartana [p= 214,2] [L=36798]
&c |
» col.3.
(H2) | upā* -vartana [p= 214,3] [L=36817]
n. |
the act of coming back , return Ragh. viii , 52 R. Va1tsy.
(H1B) | gāndharvī́ [p= 353,3] [L=64795]
f. |
speech (according to the legend that the gods gave speech to the gandharvas and received from them the soma in return AitBr. i , 27 &c ) Naigh. i , 11
(H3) | chandaka--nivartana [p= 405,1] [L=75589]
n. |
" candaka's return " , N. of a caitya , xv , 378.
(H2) | jīvitavya [p= 423,3] [L=79951]
n. |
impers. to be lived Hit.
[L=79952] |
possibility of living |
Pan5cat. Hit.
[L=79953] |
the life to be expected (till death) , duration or ( |
pl.) enjoyments of life Pan5cat. Katha1s. lxxviii , 79
[L=79954] |
possible return to life |
Pan5cat. v , 4 , 0÷1
(H3) | nir--vyāvṛtti [p= 542,3] [L=107398]
mfn. |
(emancipation) not involving any return (to worldly existence) Sarvad.
(H1) | nir-yat 1 [p= 556,3] [L=109835]
mfn. |
(nir- √i) going forth , coming out , issuing MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1) | nir- √ yat 2 [L=109836]
Caus. |
-yātayati , to snatch away , carry off , take or fetch out of (abl.) , get , procure MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. ;
to give back , restore , make restitution Mn. MBh. &c ;
to give as a present Lalit. DivyA7v. ;
(vairam) to return or show enmity , take revenge MBh. R. DivyA7v. ;
to forgive , pardon , set free MW.
(H1) | ni- √ vṛt [p= 560,1] [L=110355]
A1. |
-vartate (ind.p. -vṛtya AV. ; infin. -vartitum MBh. ; rarely P. e.g. Pot. -vartet MBh. Hariv. ; impf. or subj. -vartat RV. ; pf. -vāvṛtur ib. ; fut. -vartiṣyati MBh. ; -vartsyan Bhat2t2. ; aor. -avṛtat ib.) , to turn back , stop (trans. and intrans.) RV. &c ;
to return from (abl.) to (acc. with or without prati , or dat.) ;
to return into life , revive , be born again MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to turn away , retreat , flee , escape , abstain or desist from , get rid of (abl.) ib. ;
to fall back , rebound R. ;
to leave off (sāmi , in the midst or when anything is half finished S3Br. ), cease , end , disappear , vanish TS. S3Br. Up. &c ;
to be withheld from , not belong to (abl.) ;
to be omitted , not to occur La1t2y. Mn. MBh. ;
to be ineffective or useless MBh. Katha1s. ;
to be wanting , not to exist (yato vāco nivartante , for which there are no words) TUp. ;
to pass over to (loc.) MBh. ;
to be turned upon (loc. or tatra) ib. : Caus. -vartayati , °te (A1. Pot. -vartayīta A1s3vS3r. ; Pass. -vartyate Ragh. ) , to turn downwards , let sink (the head) TBr. ;
to turn back i.e. shorten (the hair) Br. ;
to lead or bring back , reconduct , return AV. &c ;
to turn away , avert or keep back from (abl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to give up , abandon , suppress , withhold , refuse , deny ;
to annul , remove , destroy Mn. MBh. Ka1v. Pur. ;
to bring to an end i.e. perform , accomplish (a sacrifice &c ) R. BhP. ;
to procure , bestow Hariv. Ma1rkP. ;
to desist from (abl.) MBh. R.
(H3) | ni-° vṛt [L=110387]
w.r. |
for ni-cṛt.
(H3) | ni-° vártana [L=110360]
mfn. |
causing to turn back RV.
(H3B) | ni-° vártana [L=110361]
n. |
turning back , returning , turning the back i.e. retreating , fleeing AV. MBh. &c (mṛtyuṃ kṛtvā nivartanam , making retreat equivalent to death i.e. desisting from fighting only in death MBh. vi , vii ; w.r. kṛtvā mṛtyu-niv°)
(H3B) | ni-° vártana [L=110362]
n. |
ceasing , not happening or occurring , being prevented MBh. Hariv. &c
(H3B) | ni-° vártana [L=110363]
n. |
desisting or abstaining from (abl.) MBh. BhP.
(H3B) | ni-° vártana [L=110364]
n. |
desisting from work , inactivity (opp. to pra-vartana) Ka1m.
(H3B) | ni-° vártana [L=110365]
n. |
causing to return , bringing back (esp. the shooting off and bringing back of weapons) MBh. Ka1v.
(H3B) | ni-° vártana [L=110366]
n. |
turning back (the hair) Ka1tyS3r.
(H3B) | ni-° vártana [L=110367]
n. |
a means of returning RV. AV.
(H3B) | ni-° vártana [L=110368]
n. |
averting or keeping back from (abl.) Veda7ntas.
(H3B) | ni-° vártana [L=110369]
n. |
reforming , repenting W.
(H3B) | ni-° vártana [L=110370]
n. |
a measure of land (20 rods or 200 cubits or 40 ,000 hastas square) Hcat.
(H3) | ni-° vartin [L=110379]
mfn. |
turning back , retreating , fleeing (mostly a-niv° q.v.)
[L=110380] |
abstaining from ( |
comp.) MBh.
[L=110381] |
allowing or causing to return ( |
a-niv°) Hariv.
[L=110382] |
w.r. |
for nir-v° q.v.
(H3) | ni-° vṛtta [L=110388]
mfn. |
(often w.r. for nir-vṛtta , vi-vṛtta , ni-vṛta) turned back , returned to (acc.) MBh.
[L=110389] |
rebounded from ( |
abl.) R.
[L=110390] |
retreated , fled (in battle) |
[L=110391] |
set (as the sun) |
[L=110392] |
averted from , indifferent to , having renounced or given up ( |
abl. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=110393] |
abstracted from this world , quiet |
BhP. Hcat.
[L=110394] |
rid or deprived of ( |
abl.) MBh. R.
[L=110395] |
passed away , gone , ceased , disappeared , vanished |
(H3B) | ni-° vṛtta [L=110396]
n. |
(with karman n. an action) causing a cessation (of mundane existence) Mn. xii , 88 (opp. to pravṛtta)
[L=110397] |
ceased to be valid or binding (as a rule) |
Pat. Ka1s3.
[L=110398] |
omitted , left out ( |
cf. comp. below)
[L=110399] |
finished , completed |
[L=110400] |
desisting from or repenting of any improper conduct |
(H3B) | ni-° vṛtta [L=110401]
n. |
return (» durniv°)
(H3) | ni-° vṛtti [p= 560,2] [L=110420]
f. |
(often w.r. for nir-v°) returning , return , MBh. Ragh.
[L=110421] |
ceasing , cessation , disappearance |
S3rS. Up. MBh. &c
[L=110422] |
leaving off , abstaining or desisting from ( |
abl.) Mn. MBh. Bhartr2. &c
[L=110423] |
escaping from ( |
abl.) Pan5c. ii , 87 (w.r. °ttaḥ)
[L=110424] |
ceasing from worldly acts , inactivity , rest , repose ( |
opp. to pra-vṛtti) Bhag. Prab.
[L=110425] |
(in |
dram.) citation of an example Sa1h.
[L=110426] |
suspension , ceasing to be valid (as of a rule) |
Pa1n2. Sch.
[L=110427] |
destruction , perdition |
[L=110428] |
denial , refusal |
[L=110429] |
abolition , prevention |
(H3) | niṣ-° kraya [p= 563,1] [L=110886]
m. |
redemption , ransom Suparn2. Ka1v.
[L=110887] |
compensation , equivalent (in money) |
GobhS3ra1ddh. Comm.
[L=110888] |
price , reward , hire , wages |
Mn. MBh. &c
[L=110889] |
return , acquittance |
S3is3. i , 50.
(H1) | parā- √ mi [p= 590,2] [L=116888]
or |
mī (only fut. p. -meṣyat) , to come back , return AitBr.
(H1) | parā- √ vṛt [p= 591,1] [p= 590,3] [L=116937]
A1. |
-vartate (ind.p. -vṛtya) , to turn back or round (intrans.) , return , desist from (abl.) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. -vartayati , to turn round (trans.) RV. i , 38 , 9 ;
cause to return MBh. vii , 9201 (B. pari-vartaya).
(H3) | parā-° vṛt [p= 591,1] [L=116946]
m. |
N. of a son of rukmakavaca VP.
(H1) | pari- √ vṛt [p= 601,2] [L=118634]
A1. |
-vartate (ep. also °ti ; ind.p. -vṛtya , or parī-vartam) , to turn round , revolve , move in a circle or to and fro , roll or wheel or wander about , circumambulate (acc.) RV. &c ;
(with hṛdi or hṛdaye) to run in a person's mind MBh. ;
to return , go or come back to (acc.) ib. ;
to be reborn in (loc.) VP. ;
(also with anyathā) to change , turn out different MBh. Ka1v. ;
to abide , stay , remain Mn. MBh. &c ;
to act , proceed , behave R. : Caus. -vartayati , to cause to turn or move round or back or to and fro MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
(A1.) to roll or bring near (Subj. -vartayāte) RV. v , 37 , 3 ;
to overthrow , upset (a carriage) Hariv. ;
to invert , put in a reverse order Mr2icch. v , 9÷10 (read -vartya for -vṛtya) ;
to change , barter , exchange MBh. Hariv. &c ;
to renew (an agreement) Mn. viii , 154 &c ;
to understand or explain wrongly (words &c ) MBh. Ka1v. ;
to turn topsy-turvy i.e. search thoroughly R. ;
to destroy , annihilate ib. ;
to straiten , contract Car. ;
(A1.) to cause one's self to be turned round (in having one's head shaved all round) TBr. S3Br. (cf. -vartana): Intens. -vávartti , to turn (intrans.) continually RV. i , 164 , 11.
(H1) | pari-varta [p= 600,2] [L=118496]
-vartaka |
&c » parivṛt , p.601.
(H3) | pari-varta [p= 601,2] [L=118635]
m. |
revolving , revolution (of a planet &c ) Su1ryas.
[L=118636] |
a period or lapse or expiration of time ( |
esp. of a yuga q.v.) MBh. R. &c
[L=118637] |
(with |
lokānām) the end of the world R.
[L=118638] |
a year |
[L=118639] |
moving to and fro , stirring |
[L=118640] |
turning back , flight |
[L=118641] |
change , exchange , barter (also |
parī-v°) Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=118642] |
requital , return |
[L=118643] |
an abode , spot , place |
[L=118644] |
a chapter , section , book |
&c Lalit.
[p= | 601,3] [L=118645]
N. |
of a son of duḥ-saha (son of mṛtyu) Ma1rkP.
[L=118646] |
of the |
kūrma or 2nd incarnation of viṣṇu (also parī-v°) L.
(H3) | pari-vártana [L=118653]
mf |
(ī)n. causing to turn round
(H3B) | pari-vártana [L=118655]
n. |
turning or whirling round , moving to and fro (trans. and intrans.) Ka1v. Sus3r. Pan5c. BhP.
(H3B) | pari-vártana [L=118656]
n. |
rolling about or wallowing on (comp.) Ka1lid.
(H3B) | pari-vártana [L=118657]
n. |
revolution , end of a period of time MBh. Hariv.
(H3B) | pari-vártana [L=118658]
n. |
barter , exchange Katha1s. Pan5c. Mr2icch.
(H3B) | pari-vártana [L=118659]
n. |
cutting or clipping the hair S3Br.
(H3B) | pari-vártana [L=118660]
n. |
protecting , defending Nalac.
(H3B) | pari-vártana [L=118661]
n. |
= pre*raṇa TBr. Sch.
(H3B) | pari-vártana [L=118662]
n. |
inverting , taking or putting anything in a wrong direction W.
(H3B) | pari-vártana [L=118663]
n. |
requital , return ib.
(H3) | pari-vṛtti [L=118691]
f. |
turning , rolling , revolution MBh. S3is3.
[L=118692] |
return (into this world) |
[L=118693] |
exchange , barter ( |
°ttyā ind. alternately) BhP.
[L=118694] |
moving to and fro or staying or dwelling in a place |
[L=118695] |
end , termination |
[L=118696] |
surrounding , encompassing |
[L=118697] |
(in |
rhet.) a kind of figure in which one thing is represented as exchanged with another (e.g. Ma1lav. iii , 16 ; cf. Va1m. iv , 3 , 16)
[L=118698] |
substitution of one word for another without affecting the sense ( |
e.g. vṛṣa-lāñchana for vṛṣadhvaja) Kpr.
[L=118699] |
contraction of the prepuce , phimosis ( |
= °vartikā) Sus3r.
(H3B) | pari-vṛtti [L=118700]
m. |
w.r. for pari-vitti
(H1) | pary-ā- √ vṛt [p= 608,2] [L=119835]
A1. |
-vártate (ep. also °ti Pot. -vartet Hariv. ; pf. -vavarta , -vavṛte MBh. ; aor. pary-ā́*-vart RV. ; ind.p. pari-vṛtya A1pS3r. ) , to turn round (intrans. ; trans. only ind.p.) , turn away from (abl.) , return to (dat.) RV. &c ;
to be changed into (instr.) Ka1d. ;
to get possessed of (acc.) Hariv. : Caus. -vartayati , to turn or roll round (trans.) TS. S3Br. ;
to change or barter against (Impv. 2. sg. °tāt) ChUp. i , 5 , 2 : Desid. -vívṛtsati , to wish to roll round RV.
(H3) | pary-ā-° varta [L=119836]
m. |
return , exchange BhP.
(H1) | pary-e* [p= 609,1] [L=119918]
( |
-ā- √i) P. -ai*ti (ind.p. étya) , to roam about AitBr. ;
to go round , circumambulate (acc.) S3Br. ;
to come back , return ChUp.
(H3) | púnar--āgama [p= 633,2] [L=125671]
m. |
coming back , return S3a1n3khGr2.
(H3) | púnar--ā* yana [L=125691]
n. |
coming back , return A1s3vS3r.
(H3) | púnar--āvarta [p= 633,3] [L=125693]
m. |
return , re-birth
(H3) | púnar--āvṛtti [L=125701]
f. |
return , re-appearance , re-birth Ya1jn5.
[L=125702] |
repetition |
(H3) | púnar--upā* gama [L=125730]
m. |
coming back , return Katha1s.
(H3) | púnar--hán [p= 634,1] [L=125803]
mfn. |
destroying in return RV.
(H3) | punaḥ--pratinivartana [L=125816]
n. |
coming back again , return R.
(H3) | pū́rva--rūpá [p= 644,1] [L=128075]
n. |
indication of something approaching , an omen AV.
[L=128076] |
something prior or antecedent to , ( |
esp.) the symptom of occurring disease Car. Sus3r.
[L=128077] |
the first of two concurrent vowels or consonants ( |
-tā f.) TUp. Pra1t. &c
[L=128078] |
(in |
rhet.) a figure of speech which describes the unexpected return of anything to its former state Kuval.
(H3B) | pū́rva--rūpá [L=128079]
mf |
(ā)n. having the previous form or shape , being as before Dhu1rtas.
(H1) | práti 1 [p= 661,2] [L=131398]
ind. |
(as a prefix to roots and their derivative nouns and other nouns , sometimes pratī ; for 2. » p.664) towards , near to
[L=131398.04] |
against , in opposition to
[L=131398.08] |
back , again , in return
[L=131398.12] |
down upon , upon , on
[L=131398.16] |
before nouns it expresses also likeness or comparison ( |
cf. prati-candra)
[L=131398.20] |
or it forms |
avyayībhāvas of different kinds (cf. prati-kṣaṇam , prati-graham , praty-agni &c ; rarely ifc. e.g. sūpaprati , a little broth Pa1n2. 2-1 , 9)
[L=131398.24] |
or as a |
prep. with usually preceding acc. , in the sense of towards , against , to , upon , in the direction of (e.g. śabdam p° , in the direction of the sound R. ; agnim pr° , against the fire Mn. ; also °ty-agni ind. Pa1n2. 6-2 , 33 Sch. ; ripum pr° , against the enemy Mn. ; ātmānam pr° , to one's self Ratna7v. )
[L=131398.28] |
opposite , before , in the presence of ( |
e.g. rodasī pr° , before heaven and earth RV. )
[L=131398.32] |
in comparison , on a par with , in proportion to ( |
e.g. indram pr° , in comparison with little RV. ; sahasrāṇi pr° , on a par with i.e. equivalent to thousands ib. ; also with abl. or -tas ; cf. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 92 ; ii , 3 , 11)
[L=131398.36] |
in the vicinity of , near , beside , at , on ( |
e.g. yūpam pr° , near the sacrificial post AitBr. ; gaṅgām pr° , at or on the Ganges R. ; etat pr° , at this point TS. ; āyodhanam pr° , on the field of battle MBh. )
[L=131398.40] |
at the time of , about , through , for ( |
e.g. phālgunam pr° , about the month phālguna Mn. ; ciram pr° , for a long time MBh. ; bhṛśam pr° , often , repeatedly Car. )
[L=131398.44] |
or used distributively ( |
cf. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 90) to express at every , in or on every , severally (e.g. yajñam pr° , at every sacrifice Ya1jn5. ; yajñaṃ yajñam pr° TS. ; varṣam pr° , every year , annually Pan5cat. ; in this sense often comp. ; cf. above )
[p= | 661,3] [p= 661,2] [L=131398.48]
in favour of , for ( |
Pa1n2. 1-4 , 90 ; e.g. pāṇḍavān pr° , in favour of the pāṇḍavas. MBh. )
[p= | 661,3] [L=131398.52]
on account of , with regard to , concerning ( |
Pa1n2. ib. e.g. sīmām pr° , concerning a boundary Mn. ; gautamam pr° , with regard to Ganges R. )
[L=131398.56] |
conformably or according to ( |
e.g. mām pr° , according to me , i.e. in my opinion Ma1lav. ; cf. mām praty araṇyavat pratibhāti , " it seems to me like a forest " Hit. ; na bubhukṣitam prati bhāti kiṃ cit , " to a hungry man nothing is of any account " Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 2)
[L=131398.60] |
as , for (after a verb meaning , " to regard or consider " ; |
cf. Vikr. iv , 69)
[L=131398.64] |
or as |
prep. with abl. in return or as compensation for , instead or in the place of ( Pa1n2. 1-4 , 92 Sch.)
[L=131398.68] |
with |
abl. or -tas » above
[L=131398.72] |
with |
abl. or gen. (?) to express , " about " , " at the time of " (only prati vastoḥ , " at daybreak " RV. )
[L=131398.76] |
as |
prep. with gen. = with reference to Hariv. 10967 . [cf. Zd. paiti ; Gk. προτί , ποτί , πρός.]
(H2) | prati [L=131399]
in |
comp. with nouns not immediately connected with roots.
(H1) | prati 2 [p= 664,2] [L=132116]
m. |
N. of a son of kuśa BhP.
(H3) | prati--krūra [p= 661,3] [L=131455]
mfn. |
cruel in return , returning harshness MBh. (a-pratikr°).
(H3) | prati--pāpa [p= 662,2] [L=131604]
mfn. |
wicked or evil in return , recompensing evil for evil MBh.
(H3) | prati--praṇāma [L=131630]
m. |
a bow or obeisance in return , saluting in turn Ra1jat. Ka1d.
(H3) | prati--praśna [L=131638]
m. |
a question asked in return A1pS3r.
[L=131639] |
an answer |
(H3) | prati-° praśna [p= 667,3] [L=132649]
m. |
a question in return A1pS3r. Vait.
[L=132650] |
an answer |
(H1) | prati-praśna [p= 668,1] [L=132674]
» |
prati- √prach.
(H3) | prati--priya [p= 662,2] [L=131647]
mfn. |
agreeable to (gen.) A1pS3r.
(H3B) | prati--priya [L=131648]
n. |
kindness or service in return MBh. Ragh.
(H3) | prati--pre* kṣaṇa [p= 662,3] [L=131649]
n. |
looking at in return A1p.
(H3) | prati--prai* ṣa [L=131650]
m. |
a cry or call in return , direction given in return Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) | prati--vastu [p= 663,1] [L=131814]
n. |
a counterpart , equivalent
[L=131815] |
anything given in return , anything contrasted with another |
Katha1s. Prata1p.
(H3) | praty--anuyoga [p= 664,1] [L=132007]
m. |
a counter-question , question in return Car.
(H3) | praty--astra [L=132054]
n. |
missile hurled in return BhP. Katha1s.
(H3) | praty-° astra [p= 676,2] [L=134140]
n. |
a missile hurled in return Katha1s.
(H1) | prati- √ kūj [p= 664,3] [L=132130]
P. |
-kūjati , to coo or warble in return (with acc.) R.
(H1) | prati- √ kṛ [L=132131]
P. A1. |
-karoti , -kurute , (inf. pratī-kartum BhP. ) , to do or make an opposition AitBr. ;
to return , repay , requite (good or evil [acc.] , with gen. dat. or loc. of pers.) MBh. R. &c ;
to counteract , resist (acc. or gen.) ib. ;
to treat , attend to , cure (a disease) Sus3r. ;
to repair , mend , restore Mn. ;
to pay back (a debt) Gaut. : Caus. A1. -kārayate , to cause to be repeated S3Br. : Desid. -cikīrṣati , to wish to take revenge on (acc. or loc.) for (acc.) MBh. R.
(H3) | prati-° kṛti [L=132156]
f. |
resistance , opposition , prevention Hariv.
[L=132157] |
retaliation , return , revenge |
[L=132158] |
an image , likeness , model
[L=132159] |
counterpart , substitute |
MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) | prati-° cikīrṣu [L=132168]
mfn. |
wishing to return or requite MBh. (v.l. -jihīrṣu).
(H1) | prati- √ kram [L=132174]
P. |
-krāmati (pf. -cakrāma and -cakrame) , to come back , return S3Br. ChUp. MBh. ;
to descend , decrease (in number , opp. to abhi- √kram) Nid. ;
to confess S3atr.
(H1) | prati- √ krudh [L=132179]
P. |
-krudhyati , to he angry with (acc.) in return Mn. MBh.
(H3) | prati-° krodha [L=132180]
m. |
anger in return Kull.
(H1) | prati- √ gad [p= 665,1] [L=132193]
P. |
-gadati , to speak in return , answer MBh.
(H1) | prati- √ gam [L=132194]
P. |
-gacchati , to go towards , go to meet RV. MBh. &c ;
to go back , return , go home MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) | prati-° gati [L=132198]
f. |
( L. ) return.
(H3) | prati-° gamana [L=132199]
n. |
( R. ) return.
(H1) | prati- √ garj [L=132200]
P. |
-garjati , to roar against or in return , answer with roars MBh. ;
to resist , oppose Hariv. Ragh. ;
to vie with (instr. or gen.) , Ka1vy. ??
(H3) | prati-° garjana [L=132201]
n. |
( AV.Paris3. ) thundering or roaring against or in return , an answering roar.
(H3) | prati-° garjanā [L=132202]
f. |
( MBh. ) thundering or roaring against or in return , an answering roar.
(H1) | prati- √ gā [L=132203]
(only |
aor. -agāt) , to go back , return.
(H1) | prati-jihīrṣu [p= 665,3] [L=132319]
mfn. |
( √ hṛ Desid.) wishing to return or requite MBh. (v.l. °cikīrṣu ; cf. [p= 664,3]) .
(H1) | prati- √ taḍ [p= 666,1] [L=132364]
P. |
-tāḍayati , to strike in return MBh.
(H1) | prati- √ dā [L=132373]
P. A1. |
-dadāti , -datte , to give back , restore , return AV. &c ;
to give , offer , present MBh. R. : Caus. -dāpayati , to cause to be given back or restored Ya1jn5.
(H3) | prati-° dāna [L=132375]
n. |
restitution (of a deposit) , restoration L.
[L=132376] |
giving or a gift in return |
Das3. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 92
[L=132377] |
exchange , barter |
L. (v.l. for pari-d°).
(H1) | prati-druh [p= 666,2] [L=132407]
m. |
( √ druh) one who seeks to injure in return (a-p°) BhP.
(H1) | prati- √ dhā [L=132408]
P. A1. |
-dadhāti , -dhatte (Ved. inf. práti-dhātave) , to put on or in or near or back , return , restore (loc. or dat.) RV. AV. Br. ;
to adjust (an arrow) , aim ib. ;
to put to the lips (for drinking) RV. iv , 27 , 5 ;
to put down (the feet) , step out Br. ;
to offer , present AitBr. ;
to use , employ S3atr. ;
to restrain BhP. ;
(A1.) to commence , begin , approach RV. AV.
(H3) | prati° dhā́ [L=132409]
f. |
putting to the lips , a draught RV.
(H1) | prati- √ nand [L=132435]
P. |
-nandati , to greet cheerfully , salute (also in return) , bid welcome or farewell , address kindly , favour , befriend AV. &c ;
to receive joyfully or thankfully , to accept willingly (with na , to decline , refuse , reject) Mn. MBh. &c : Caus. -nandayati , to gladden , delight , gratify MBh. Ka1m.
(H1) | prati-nir- √ yat [p= 666,3] [L=132471]
Caus. |
-yātayati , to give back , return MBh.
(H1) | prati-nir- √ vap [L=132475]
P. |
-vapati , to distribute in return TS. TBr. Kaus3.
(H1) | prati-ni- √ vṛt [L=132482]
A1. |
-vartate (P. 2. pl. fut. -vartsyatha MBh. ) , to turn back or round , return MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to turn away from (abl.) , escape , run away , take flight MBh. ;
to cease , be allayed or abated BhP. : Caus. -vartayati , to cause to go back , turn back , avert R. BhP.
(H3) | prati-° nivartita [L=132484]
mfn. |
(fr. Caus.) caused to return , led back R.
(H3) | prati-° nivṛtta [L=132485]
mfn. |
turned back or from (abl.) , come back , return MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) | prati-° nivṛtti [L=132486]
f. |
coming back , return A1pS3r. Sch.
(H1) | prati-ny-ā- √ gam [p= 667,1] [L=132501]
P. |
-gacchati , to come back , return Ka1t2h.
(H3) | prati--pad [p= 662,2] [L=131585]
ind. |
(cf. prati- √pad , p.667) = -padam
(H1) | prati- √ pad [p= 667,1] [L=132505]
A1. |
-padyate (ep. fut. also -patsyati) , to set foot upon , enter , go or resort to , arrive at , reach , attain VS. &c ;
to walk , wander , roam ChUp. ;
to come back to (acc.) , return MBh. ;
to happen , occur , take place Pa1rGr2. MBh. ;
to get into (acc.) , meet , with , find , obtain , receive , take in or upon one's self. S3Br. &c ;
to receive back , recover AitBr. S3ak. ;
to restore to favour Ragh. ;
to undertake , begin (acc. dat. or inf.) , practise , perform , accomplish Nir. MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to do anything to any person , act or proceed or behave towards or against (loc. gen. or acc.) MBh. Hariv. R. ;
to make , render MBh. ;
to fall to a person's (acc.) lot or share , Pa1rGr2. ;
to let a person (dat.) have anything A1past. ;
to give back , restore Mn. viii , 183 ;
to perceive , find out , discover , become aware of or acquainted with , understand , learn MBh. R. &c ;
to deem , consider , regard S3am2k. Sa1h. ;
to answer affirmatively say yes (with or scil. tathā , or tathe*ti) , acknowledge , assent , agree , promise MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to begin to speak , commence (with acc. or instr.) RV. Br. ;
to answer ChUp. (also with uttaram R. ) : Caus. -pādayati , to convey or lead to , procure , cause to partake of (2 acc.). give a present to , bestow on (loc. dat. or gen.) Kaus3. Mn. MBh. &c ;
to give in marriage A1past. ;
to spend. ib. ;
to present with (instr.) Ka1ran2d2. ;
to put in , appoint to (loc.) R. ;
to produce , cause , effect MBh. R. &c ;
to establish , substantiate , prove , set forth , explain , teach , impart MBh. R. &c ;
to deem , consider , regard as (2 acc.) Pan5cat. (v.l. -vadasi for -pādayasi): Desid. -pitsate ( Pa1n2. 7-4 , 54) , to wish to attain S3am2k. ;
to wish to know Bha1m. : Desid. of Caus. -pipādayiṣati , to wish or intend to explain or analyze S3am2k.
(H3) | prati-° pád [p= 667,2] [L=132538]
f. |
access , ingress. entrance VS. S3Br.
[L=132539] |
the path to be walked , the right path |
[L=132540] |
beginning , commencement |
TS. TBr.
[L=132541] |
an introductory verse or stanza |
Br. S3rS.
[L=132542] |
(also |
°padā or °padī) the first day of a lunar fortnight (esp. of the moon's wane) AgP. L.
[L=132543] |
understanding , intelligence |
[L=132544] |
taste for anything |
[L=132545] |
rank , consequence |
[L=132546] |
a kettle-drum |
(H1) | prati-paré [L=132602]
( |
-parā- √i) ind.p. -pare*tya , to return again S3Br.
(H1) | prati- √ pūj [p= 667,3] [L=132629]
P. |
-pūjayati , to return a salutation , reverence , salute respectfully , honour , praise , commend , approve Mn. MBh. &c
(H1) | prati- √ pṝ [L=132636]
P. |
-pṛṇāti (only 2. du. Impv. -pṛṇītám) , to bestow in return RV. vii , 65 , 5 : Caus. -pūrayati , to fill up , make full A1s3vGr2. Sus3r. ;
to fill (said of a noise) MBh. ;
to sate , satiate , satisfy ib. ;
to fulfil , accomplish R.
(H1) | prati-pra- √ brū [L=132659]
P. |
-bravīti , to speak in return , reply , answer S3Br.
(H1) | prati-pra- √ yam [L=132663]
P. |
-yacchati , to give back , return , restore TS. Gr2S3rS. Das3.
The second 100
1 pratiprayā (return)
2 pratiprayāṇa (return)
3 pratipraviś (return)
4 pratiprasava (return)
5 pratiphalana (return)
6 pratibrū (return)
7 pratibhaj (return)
8 pratibhaṇḍitavya (return)
9 pratibhāṣ (return)
10 pratiman (return)
11 pratimuc (return)
12 pratiyaj (return)
13 pratiyam (return)
14 pratiyā (return)
15 pratiyuddha (return)
16 pratiyoddhavya (return)
17 prativāś (return)
18 prativartana (return)
19 prativraj (return)
20 pratiśap (return)
21 pratiśāpa (return)
22 pratiṣic (return)
23 pratiṣku (return)
24 pratiṣṭubh (return)
25 pratisaṃvidhāna (return)
26 pratisaṃhṛ (return)
27 pratisaṃkram (return)
28 pratisaṃdiś (return)
29 pratisaṃdeśa (return)
30 pratisaṃdhā (return)
31 pratisṛ (return)
32 pratihan (return)
33 pratihiṃsita (return)
34 pratihṛṣ (return)
35 pratiharṣaṇa (return)
36 pratī (return)
37 pratīpa (return)
38 pratyad (return)
39 pratyapapakāra (return)
40 pratyabhinand (return)
41 pratyabhiyukta (return)
42 pratyabhivad (return)
43 pratyabhivāda (return)
44 pratyarc (return)
45 pratyarcita (return)
46 pratyard (return)
47 pratyavaso (return)
48 pratyavasthā (return)
49 pratyastra (return)
50 pratyākruś (return)
51 pratyākroṣṭavya (return)
52 pratyāgam (return)
53 pratyāgati (return)
54 pratyāgamāvadhi (return)
55 pratyāgamana (return)
56 pratyāgṝ (return)
57 pratyādā (return)
58 pratyāpatti (return)
59 pratyāyā (return)
60 pratyāliṅg (return)
61 pratyāvṛt (return)
62 pratyāvṛtti (return)
63 pratyāvraj (return)
64 pratyuccāraṇa (return)
65 pratyujjīv (return)
66 pratyuttṝ (return)
67 pratyudāhṛ (return)
68 pratyudīr (return)
69 pratyupakṛ (return)
70 pratyupadiś (return)
71 pratyupadiṣṭa (return)
72 pratyupadeśa (return)
73 pratyupayā (return)
74 pratyupasṛ (return)
75 pratyṛ (return)
76 pratye (return)
77 pravāsa (return)
78 priyākhyānadāna (return)
79 brahman (return)
80 bhūyonāgamana (return)
81 yat (return)
82 yā (return)
83 yātana (return)
84 val (return)
85 vicchad (return)
86 vijīv (return)
87 vidyāvikraya (return)
88 vinivṛt (return)
89 vinivartana (return)
90 vindhya (return)
91 viparivṛt (return)
92 viparivartana (return)
93 viparivartanī (return)
94 viparivṛtti (return)
95 viparī (return)
96 vipare (return)
97 vipalyay (return)
98 vivartana (return)
99 viś (return)
100 vyatihan (return) pratiprayā
(H1) | prati-pra- √ yā [p= 667,3] [L=132665]
P. |
-yāti , to go back , return RV. &c &c
(H3) | prati-° prayāṇa [p= 668,1] [L=132666]
n. |
going back , return R. (°ṇakam » [p= 662,2]) .
(H1) | prati-pra- √ viś [L=132672]
P. |
-viśati , to go back , return R.
(H3) | prati--prasava [p= 662,2] [L=131641]
» |
under prati-pra- √1. sū.
(H3) | prati-° prasava [p= 668,1] [L=132677]
m. |
counter-order , suspension of a general prohibition in a particular case S3am2k. Ka1tyS3r. Sch. Kull.
[L=132678] |
an exception to an exception |
TPra1t. Sch.
[L=132679] |
return to the original state |
(H3) | prati-° phalana [L=132698]
n. |
( Ka1v. ) reflection , image , shadow
[L=132699] |
( |
W. ) return , requital , retaliation.
(H1) | prati- √ brū [p= 668,2] [L=132766]
P. A1. |
-bravīti , -brūve , to speak in reply , answer RV. &c &c (also with 2 acc. R. ) ;
(A1.) to answer i.e. return (an attack &c ) RV. ;
to refuse , deny BhP.
(H1) | prati- √ bhaj [L=132768]
P. |
-bhajati , to fall again to one's share , return to (acc.) Das3. 2.
(H1) | prati-bhaṇḍitavya [L=132775]
mfn. |
( √bhaṇḍ) to be derided or scoffed in return L.
(H1) | prati- √ bhāṣ [p= 668,3] [L=132812]
A1. |
-bhāṣate (ep. also P. °ti) , to speak in return or to (acc.) , answer , relate , tell MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to call , name (2 acc.) , S3rut.
(H1) | prati- √ man [p= 669,1] [L=132847]
A1. |
-manute , to render back in return or in reply , contrast with (also with 2 acc.) VS. ChUp. : Caus. -mānayati , to honour , esteem , approve , consider , regard MBh. R. &c
(H1) | prati- √ muc [L=132889]
P. A1. |
-muñcati , °te , to put (clothes , a garland &c ) on (dat. gen. loc.) , to fix or fasten on , append AV. &c ;
(A1. , later also P.) to put on one's self , dress one's self , assume (a shape or form) RV. &c ;
to attach or fasten to (loc.) Ka1tyS3r. BhP. ;
to inflict on (loc.) TBr. ;
to set at liberty , release , let go , send away Ragh. Ra1jat. Katha1s. ;
to give up , resign Mr2icch. Pan5cat. ;
to return , restore , pay back (as a debt) MBh. ;
to fling , hurl RV. MBh. R. : Pass. -mucyate , to be freed or released from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c : Caus. -mocayati , to set free , rescue , save MBh.
(H1) | prati- √ yaj [p= 669,2] [L=132906]
P. |
-yajati , to sacrifice in return or with an aim towards anything (acc.) S3Br. A1pS3r.
(H1) | prati- √ yam [L=132921]
P. |
-yacchati , to be equivalent to , be worth as much as (acc.) TBr. ;
to grant or bestow perpetually (Impv. -yaṃsi) RV. ;
to return , restore BhP.
(H1) | prati- √ yā [L=132922]
P. |
-yāti , to come or go to (acc. , also with prati) RV. MBh. ;
to go against (acc.) Hariv. ;
to go or come back , return to or into (acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to comply with , oblige , please (acc.) R. ;
to equal , be a match for (acc.) BhP. ;
to be returned or requited ib. : Caus. -yāpayati , to cause to return to (acc.) BhP.
(H3) | prati-° yuddha [L=132943]
mfn. |
fought against , fought R.
(H3B) | prati-° yuddha [L=132944]
n. |
fighting against , battle in return Hariv.
(H3) | prati-° yoddhavya [L=132945]
mfn. |
to be attacked in return MBh.
(H3) | prati-° vartana [p= 670,3] [L=133116]
n. |
return , reappearance (a-prativ°) MBh.
(H1) | prati- √ vraj [L=133134]
P. |
-vrajati , to return home Bhat2t2.
(H1) | prati- √ śap [L=133141]
P. |
-śapati , to curse in return (with acc. or gen.) R. BhP.
(H3) | prati-° śāpa [L=133142]
m. |
a curse in return , retorted imprecation MBh. Ka1d. Pur.
(H1) | prati-ṣic [p= 671,1] [L=133203]
( √ |
sic) P. -ṣiñcati to pour upon , mix together TS. S3rS. ;
(-siñcati) , to besprinkle or moisten in return BhP.
(H1) | prati-ṣku [p= 671,2] [L=133247]
( √ |
sku) , only impf. praty-askunot to cover in return (with arrows &c ) Bhat2t2.
(H1) | prati-ṣṭubh [L=133254]
( √ |
stubh) P. -ṣṭobhati. to shout in return , answer with a shout RV.
(H1) | prati-saṃ-vi-dhāna [p= 672,1] [L=133338]
n. |
( √1. dhā) a counter action , stroke in return Mcar.
(H1) | prati-saṃ- √ hṛ [L=133355]
P. A1. |
-harati , °te , to draw together , contract (with ātmānam , " one's self " i.e. to shrink , return to its usual bed , said of the sea) Hariv. ;
to draw or keep back , withdraw (as a weapon , the eye &c ) MBh. Ka1v. ;
to take away , put off A1past. ;
to absorb , annihilate , destroy MBh. Pur. Ja1takam. ;
to check , stop , repress MBh. R. &c ;
to change MW. : Caus. -hārayati , to retract R.
(H1) | prati-saṃ- √ kram [L=133369]
A1. |
-kramate , to go back again , come to an end BhP. : Caus. -krāmayati , to cause to go back or return ib.
(H1) | prati-saṃ- √ diś [p= 672,2] [L=133389]
P. |
-diśati , to give a person (acc. or haste with gen.) a message or commission in return R. Ka1d. ;
to send back a message to (gen.) MBh. ;
to order , command ib.
(H3) | prati-° saṃdeśa [L=133390]
m. |
a message in return , answer to a message R. Mr2icch. Katha1s.
(H1) | prati-saṃ- √ dhā [L=133392]
P. A1. |
-dadhāti , -dhatte , (P.) to put together again , re-arrange S3Br. ;
(A1.) to put on , adjust (an arrow) MBh. ;
(A.) to return , reply Hariv. BhP. ;
(P. A1.) to remember , recollect Nya1yas. ;
(A1.) to comprehend , understand Prab. vi , 2÷3.
(H1) | prati- √ sṛ [p= 672,3] [L=133433]
P. |
-sarati (ind.p. -sāram S3a1n3khBr. ) , to go against , rush upon , attack , assail (acc.) Hariv. ;
to return , go home BhP. ;
to go round or from place to place (not only on the main road) TS. : Caus. -sārayati , to cause to go back Car. ;
to put back again , restore to its place Ka1lid. ;
to spread over , tip or touch with (instr.) Sus3r. ;
to put asunder , sever , separate SaddhP. : Pass. to void or emit per anum (?) Sus3r.
(H1) | prati- √ han [p= 673,1] [L=133488]
P. |
-hanti (ep. also A1. pf. -jaghne) , to beat against (gen.) Ta1n2d2Br. ;
to attack , assail MBh. ;
to strike down ib. ;
to crush , break RV. ;
to put on a spit ib. i , 32 , 12 ;
to strike in return , strike back , ward off remove , dispel , check , prevent , frustrate MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
(with ājñām) , to disregard a command S3is3. : Pass. -hanyate , to be beaten back &c MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to be kept away from or deprived of (abl.) S3am2k. : Caus. -ghātayati » under prati-gha.
(H3) | prati-° hiṃsita [L=133516]
mfn. |
injured in return
(H3B) | prati-° hiṃsita [L=133517]
n. |
= prec. Pan5cat.
(H1) | prati- √ hṛṣ [p= 673,2] [L=133552]
A1. |
-hṛṣyate , to show joy in return for anything MBh. : Caus. harṣayati , to gladden , rejoice ib.
(H3) | prati-° harṣaṇa [L=133554]
mfn. |
(fr. Caus.) causing joy in return R.
(H1) | pratī 1 [L=133559]
in |
comp. for prati (cf. Pa1n2. 6-3 , 122 Va1rtt. 3 Pat. )
(H1) | pratī* 2 [L=133594]
( |
prati- √i) P. praty-eti , to go towards or against , go to meet (as friend or foe) RV. &c ;
to come back , return ib. ;
to resort or apply to RV. AV. S3Br. ;
to fall to a person's (dat.) lot or share AitBr. ;
to receive , accept MBh. ;
(also Pass.) to admit , recognize , be certain of , be convinced that (2 acc.) Gr2S3rS. Nir. R. &c ;
to trust , believe (with gen.) Katha1s. : Pass. pratī*yate , to be admitted or recognized , follow , result Ka1v. S3am2k. Hit. (p. °yamāna , known , understood , implicit Pa1n2. Sa1h. ) : Caus. praty-āyayati (Pass. praty-āyyate) , to lead towards i.e. cause to recognize or acknowledge , convince (any one of the truth of anything) Ka1lid. ;
to make clear , prove S3am2k. Sa1h. : Desid. pratī*ṣiṣati , to wish or try to understand Pa1n2. 2-4 , 47 Sch.
(H1) | pratīpa [p= 674,1] [L=133700]
mf |
(ā)n. (fr. prati ap ; cf. anūpa , dvīpa , samīpa) , " against the stream " , " against the grain " , going in an opposite direction , meeting , encountering , adverse , contrary , opposite , reverse MBh. R. Ragh. &c
[L=133701] |
inverted , out of order |
Sus3r. Var.
[L=133702] |
displeasing , disagreeable |
Mn. MBh. R. Hariv.
[L=133703] |
resisting , refractory , cross , obstinate
[L=133704] |
impeding , hindering |
BhP. MBh. R. &c backward , retrograde
[L=133705] |
turned away , averted |
(H1B) | pratīpa [L=133706]
m. |
an adversary , opponent BhP.
(H1B) | pratīpa [L=133707]
m. |
N. of a prince , the father of śāṃtanu and grandfather of bhīṣma AV. MBh. Hariv. &c
(H1B) | pratīpa [L=133708]
n. |
(in rhet.) inverse comparison (e.g. " the lotus resembles thine eyes " , instead of the usual comparison " thine eyes resemble the lotus " ; 5 forms are enumerated) Kuval. Prata1p. Sa1h. Kpr.
(H1B) | pratīpa [L=133709]
n. |
N. of a gram. wk.
(H1B) | pratīpa [L=133711]
n. |
against RV. &c
(H1B) | pratīpa [L=133712]
n. |
in return Ba1lar.
(H1B) | pratīpa [L=133713]
n. |
in inverted order Mn.
(H1B) | pratīpa [L=133714]
n. |
refractorily (with √ gam , to resist S3ak. ; with abhy-upa- √gam , to go against , oppose R. )
(H1) | praty- √ ad [p= 675,2] [L=133982]
P. |
-atti , to eat in return or in compensation for anything S3Br.
(H3) | praty-ap° apakāra [L=133994]
m. |
offending or injuring in return , retaliation Kum.
(H1) | praty-abhi- √ nand [p= 675,3] [L=134023]
P. |
-nandati , to greet in return , return a salutation MBh. ;
to bid welcome S3ak. (v.l. for abhi-n°).
(H3) | praty-° abhiyukta [L=134037]
mfn. |
attacked by (instr.) Prab. (-vat mfn. Katha1s. )
[L=134038] |
accused in return or by a counter plaint |
(H1) | praty-abhi- √ vad [L=134041]
P. |
-vadati , to return a salute , greet in return A1past. : Caus. A1. -vādayate id. Mr2icch.
(H3) | praty-° abhivāda [L=134042]
m. |
return salutation Pa1n2. 8-2 , 83.
(H1) | praty- √ arc [L=134052]
P. |
-arcati , to shine upon (acc.) RV. : Caus. -arcayati , to greet in return or one by one MBh. R.
(H3) | praty-° arcita [L=134054]
mfn. |
saluted in return MBh.
(H1) | praty- √ ard [p= 676,1] [L=134065]
Caus. |
-ardayati , °te , to oppress or assault in return R.
(H1) | praty-ava- √ so [L=134103]
P. |
-syati , to come back , return to (loc.) S3Br.
(H1) | praty-ava- √ sthā [p= 676,2] [L=134110]
A1. |
-tiṣṭhate , to return , re-appear (with punar) BhP. ;
to resist , oppose , object to Kap. Sch. ;
to stand alone or separately MW. ;
to re-attain , recover Bhat2t2. : Caus. -sthāpayati , to cause to stand firm , encourage (with ātmānam " to collect one's self , recover ") Vikr.
(H3) | praty--astra [p= 664,1] [L=132054]
n. |
missile hurled in return BhP. Katha1s.
(H3) | praty-° astra [p= 676,2] [L=134140]
n. |
a missile hurled in return Katha1s.
(H1) | praty-ā- √ kruś [L=134149]
P. |
-krośati , to challenge or revile in return MBh.
(H3) | praty-° ākroṣṭavya [L=134150]
mfn. |
to be reviled in return L.
(H1) | praty-ā- √ gam [p= 676,3] [L=134171]
P. |
-gacchati , to come back again , return TBr. MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to come to one's self , recover consciousness , revive Ka1lid.
(H3) | praty-° āgati [L=134176]
f. |
coming back , return , arrival Hariv.
(H4) | praty-° āga° mā* vadhi [L=134178]
ind. |
till (my) return MW.
(H3) | praty-° āgamana [L=134179]
n. |
coming back , return to (acc.) , coming home again MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=134180] |
( |
nirūha-pr°) the coming back of a clyster Sus3r.
(H1) | praty-ā- √ gṝ [L=134181]
P. |
-gṛṇāti , to speak to in return , answer , respond S3a1n3khS3r.
(H1) | praty-ā- √ dā [L=134186]
A1. |
-datte , to receive back MBh. ;
to take back , revoke ib. ;
to draw forth from (abl.) BhP. ;
to repeat , return AV. S3a1n3khS3r.
(H1) | praty-ā-patti [p= 677,1] [L=134217]
f. |
( √ pad) return BhP.
[L=134218] |
turning back (from evil) , conversion |
MBh. (= vairāgya Ni1lak. )
[L=134219] |
restoration , restitution |
Pa1n2. 3-1 , 26 Va1rtt. 6 ; viii , 4 , 68 Va1rtt. 1
[L=134220] |
expiation |
A1past. (= śuddhi Sch.)
(H1) | praty-ā- √ yā [L=134231]
P. |
-yāti , to come back , return to (acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1) | praty-ā- √ liṅg [L=134237]
P. |
-liṅgati , to embrace in return Mr2icch.
(H1) | praty-ā- √ vṛt [L=134243]
A1. |
-vartate , to turn against (acc.) RV. ;
to return , come back Katha1s. Hit. &c : Caus. -vartayati , to drive back , repel RV. S3Br.
(H3) | praty-° āvṛtti [L=134248]
f. |
coming back , return Ma1lati1m.
(H1) | praty-ā- √ vraj [L=134249]
P. |
-vrajati , to go back , return La1t2y. A1s3vGr2.
(H3) | praty-° uccāraṇa [p= 677,2] [L=134305]
n. |
speaking in return , answering (a-pratyuc°) Nya1yas. Sch.
(H1) | praty-uj- √ jīv [L=134308]
( |
-ud- √jīv) P. -jīvati , to return to life , revive Ratna7v. Katha1s. : Caus. -jīvayati , to restore to life , revivify , resuscitate Pan5cat.
(H1) | praty-ut- √ tṝ [p= 677,3] [L=134325]
(only |
ind.p. -uttīrya) , to come home , return R. ;
to betake one's self to (acc.) id.
(H1) | praty-ud-ā- √ hṛ [L=134344]
P. |
-harati , to speak in return , reply , answer R. ;
(in gram.) to adduce a contrary example Pa1n2. Sch.
(H1) | praty-ud- √ īr [L=134351]
(only |
ind.p. -īrya) , to utter in return , reply BhP.
(H1) | praty-upa- √ kṛ [p= 678,1] [L=134389]
A1. |
-kurute , to do a service in return , requite a favour Pan5cat.
(H1) | praty-upa- √ diś [L=134396]
P. |
-diśati to explain singly or severally Sus3r. ;
to teach anything (acc.) in return to (dat.) Ma1lav.
(H3) | praty-° upadiṣṭa [L=134397]
mfn. |
advised or cautioned in return MW.
(H3) | praty-° upadeśa [L=134398]
m. |
instruction or advice in return Kum.
(H1) | praty-upa- √ yā [L=134404]
P. |
-yāti , to go again towards , return MBh.
(H1) | praty-upa- √ sṛ [L=134413]
P. |
-sarati , to return BhP.
(H1) | praty- √ ṛ [p= 678,2] [L=134447]
Caus. |
-arpayati , to cause to go towards , throw towards AV. ;
to fasten , fix , put on S3Br. Ragh. ;
to render up , deliver back , restore , return Mr2icch. Ka1lid. ;
to give again or anew Katha1s.
(H1) | praty-e* [L=134452]
( |
-ā- √i ; P. pr. 3. pl. -ā-yanti , p. -ā-yat ; Pot. -e*yāt ; pf. -e*yāya ; ind.p. -e*tya) , to come back , return to (acc.) S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. ChUp. MBh. 2.
(H2) | pra-vāsa [p= 691,1] [L=136823]
m. |
dwelling abroad , foreign residence , absence from home RV. &c (acc. with √ gam or yā. pra- √ vas or ā- √ pad ; to go abroad ; abl. with ā- √ i , upā*-. or parā- √vṛt , to return from abroad)
[L=136824] |
(in |
astron.) heliacal setting of the planets Var.
(H1) | pra-vāsa [p= 691,3] [L=136937]
and e. |
» col.1.
(H4) | priyā* khyāna---dāna [p= 710,3] [L=140640]
n. |
a gift in return for pleasant tidings Ja1takam.
(H1) | bráhman [p= 737,3] [L=146546]
n. |
(lit. " growth " , " expansion " , " evolution " , " development " " swelling of the spirit or soul " , fr. √2. bṛh) pious effusion or utterance , outpouring of the heart in worshipping the gods , prayer RV. AV. VS. TS.
[L=146547] |
the sacred word (as |
opp. to vāc , the word of man) , the veda , a sacred text , a text or mantra used as a spell (forming a distinct class from the ṛcas , sāmāni and yajūṃṣi ; cf. brahma-veda) RV. AV. Br. Mn. Pur.
[L=146548] |
the |
brāhmaṇa portion of the veda Mn. iv , 100
[L=146549] |
the sacred syllable Om |
Prab. , Sch. , (cf. Mn. ii , 83)
[L=146550] |
religious or spiritual knowledge ( |
opp. to religious observances and bodily mortification such as tapas &c ) AV. Br. Mn. R.
[L=146551] |
holy life ( |
esp. continence , chastity ; cf. brahma-carya) S3ak. i , 24÷25 S3am2k. Sarvad.
[p= | 738,1] [p= 737,3] [L=146552]
(exceptionally treated as |
m.) the brahma or one self-existent impersonal Spirit , the one universal Soul (or one divine essence and source from which all created things emanate or with which they are identified and to which they return) , the Self-existent , the Absolute , the Eternal (not generally an object of worship but rather of meditation and-knowledge ; also with jyéṣṭha , prathama-já , svayóm-bhu , a-mūrta , para , paratara , parama , mahat , sanātana , śāśvata ; and = paramā*tman , ātman , adhyātma , pradhāna , kṣetra-jña , tattva) AV. S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c ( IW. 9 , 83 &c )
(H1B) | bráhman [p= 738,1] [L=146553]
n. |
the class of men who are the repositories and communicators of sacred knowledge , the Brahmanical caste as a body (rarely an individual Brahman) AV. TS. VS. S3Br. Mn. BhP.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146554]
n. |
food Naigh. ii , 7
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146555]
n. |
wealth ib. 10
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146556]
n. |
final emancipation L.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146557]
m. |
(brahmán) , one who Prays , a devout or religious man , a Brahman who is a knower of Vedic texts or spells , one versed in sacred knowledge RV. &c ([cf. Lat. , fla1men])
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146558]
m. |
N. of bṛhas-pati (as the priest of the gods) RV. x , 141 , 3
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146559]
m. |
one of the 4 principal priests or ṛtvijs (the other three being the hotṛ , adhvaryu and udgātṛ ; the brahman was the most learned of them and was required to know the 3 vedas , to supervise the , sacrifice and to set right mistakes ; at a later period his functions were based especially on the atharva-veda) RV. &c
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146560]
m. |
brahmā or the one impersonal universal Spirit manifested as a personal Creator and as the first of the triad of personal gods (= prajā-pati q.v. ; he never appears to have become an object of general worship , though he has two temples in India » RTL. 555 &c ; his wife is sarasvatī ib. 48) TBr. &c
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146561]
m. |
= brahmaṇa āyuḥ , a lifetime of brahmā Pan5car.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146562]
m. |
an inhabitant of brahmā's heaven Ja1takam.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146563]
m. |
the sun L.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146564]
m. |
N. of śiva Prab. Sch.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146565]
m. |
the veda (?) Pa1rGr2.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146566]
m. |
the intellect (= buddhi) Tattvas.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146567]
m. |
N. of a star , δ Aurigae , Su1ryat. ??
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146568]
m. |
a partic. astron. yoga L.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146569]
m. |
N. of the 9th muhūrta L.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146570]
m. |
(with jainas) a partic. kalpa Dharmas3.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146571]
m. |
N. of the servant of the 10th arhat of the present avasarpiṇī L.
(H1B) | bráhman [L=146572]
m. |
of a magician Ra1jat.
(H3) | bhūyo--nāgamana [p= 763,3] [L=152329]
( |
bhūyas anāgamana) n. non-return Katha1s.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 2.29, 33.62
Whitney Roots links: yat
(H1) | yát 1 [p= 840,3] [L=169551]
mfn. |
(pr. p. of √5. i) going , moving RV. &c (abde yati , in this year L. )
(H1) | yat 2 [p= 841,1] [p= 840,3] [L=169552]
cl.1 A1. |
(prob. connected with √ yam and orig. meaning , " to stretch " Dha1tup. ii , 29) yátate (Ved. and ep. also P. °ti ; p. yátamāna , yátāna and yatāná RV. ; pf. yete , 3. pl. yetire ib. &c ; aor. ayatiṣṭa Br. ; fut. yatiṣyate Br. , °ti MBh. ; inf. yatitum MBh. ; ind.p. -yátya MBh. ) , (P.) to place in order , marshal , join , connect RV. ;
(P. or A1.) to keep pace , be in line , rival or vie with (instr.) ib. ;
(A1.) to join (instr.) , associate with (instr.) , march or fly together or in line ib. ;
to conform or comply with (instr.) ib. ;
to meet , encounter (in battle) ib. Br. ;
to seek to join one's self with , make for , tend towards (loc.) ib. ;
to endeavour to reach , strive after , be eager or anxious for (with loc. dat. acc. with or without prati , once with gen. ; also with arthe , arthāya , artham and hetos ifc. ; or with inf.) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to exert one's self , take pains , endeavour , make effort , persevere , be cautious or watchful ib. ;
to be prepared for (acc.) R. : Caus. (or cl.10. Dha1tup. xxxiii , 62) yātáyati (or °te ; aor. ayīyatat ; Pass. yātyate) , to join , unite (A1. intrans.) RV. ;
to join or attach to (loc.) P. Pan5cavBr. ;
to cause to fight AitBr. ;
to strive to obtain anything (acc.) from (abl.) Ma1lav. ;
(rarely A1.) to requite , return , reward or punish , reprove (as a fault) RV. &c ;
(A1.) to surrender or yield up anything (acc) to (acc. or gen.) MBh. ;
(P. A1.) to distress , torture , vex , annoy BhP. ;
accord. to Dha1tup. also nikāre (others nirākāre or khede) and upaskāre: Desid. yiyatiṣate Gr.: Intens. yāyatyate and yāyatti ib.
(H2) | yat [p= 844,3] [L=170190]
in |
comp. for yad.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.41
Whitney Roots links: yA
(H1B) | yā 4 [p= 838,2] [L=168992]
f. |
going , a car
(H1B) | yā 4 [L=168993]
f. |
restraining , religious meditation
(H1B) | yā 4 [L=168994]
f. |
(H1B) | yā 4 [L=168995]
f. |
pudendum muliebre
(H1B) | yā 4 [L=168996]
f. |
N. of lakṣmī.
(H1) | yā 1 [p= 849,2] [p= 849,1] [L=171018]
(collateral form of √5. |
i) cl.2 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 41) yā́ti (1. pl. yāmahe MBh. ; impf. 3. pl. ayuḥ Br. ; ayān Pa1n2. 3-4 , 111 Sch. ; pf. yayaú , yayā́tha , yayá , yayúḥ RV. &c ; yaye Ka1v. ; aor. ayāsam or ayāsiṣam ; Subj. yā́sat , yeṣam , yāsiṣat RV. Br. ; Prec. yāsiṣīṣṭhās Br. ; fut. yātā MBh. &c ; yāsyati AV. ; °te MBh. ; inf. yātum MBh. &c ; Ved. inf. yaí , yā́tave or °vaí ; ind.p. yātvā́ Br. &c ; -yā́ya,-yāyam ib.) , to go , proceed , move , walk , set out , march , advance , travel , journey (often with instr. or acc. of the way , esp. with gatim,mārgam,adhvānam,panthānam,padavīm,yātrām) RV. &c ;
to go away , withdraw , retire MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
(also with palā*yya) to flee , escape R. Katha1s. (with kṣemeṇa or svasti , to escape unscathed Pan5cat. BhP. ) ;
to go towards or against , go or come to , enter , approach , arrive at , reach RV. &c &c (with acc. often followed by prati e.g. with gṛham , to enter a house ; with ripum prati , to march against the enemy ; with mṛgayām , to go out hunting ; with śirasāmahīm , to bow down to the ground with the head ; with prakṛtim , to return to one's natural state ; with karṇau , to come to the ears , be heard ; with utsavād utsavam , to go from one festival to another ; with hastam ifc. , to fall into the hands of ; with patham or gocaram ifc. , to come within range of ; esp. with the acc. of an abstract noun = to go to any state or condition , become , be e.g. vināśaṃ yāti , he goes to destruction i.e. he is destroyed ; kāṭhinyaṃ yāti , it becomes hard ; dveṣyatāṃ yāti , he becomes hated ; similarly nidhanaṃ- √yā , to die ; nidrāṃ- √yā , to fall asleep ; udayaṃ- √yā , to rise , said of stars &c ; sometimes also with loc. e.g. yāhi rājñah sakāśe , go into the presence of the king R. ; or even with dat. e.g. yayatuḥ sva-niveśāya , both went home Katha1s. ; na cā*tmane kṛpaṇasya dhanaṃ yāti , nor does the wealth of the miser go to [i.e. benefit] himself. Hit. ; phalebhyo yāti , he goes to [fetch] fruits Pa1n2. 2-3 , 14 Sch.) ;
to go to for any request , implore , solicit (with two acc.) RV. ;
(with striyam) to go to a woman for sexual intercourse MBh. ;
to go to for any purpose (inf.) Bhat2t2. Vop. ;
often with adverbs e.g. with bahir , to go out Katha1s. ;
with adho , to go down , sink BhP. ;
with khaṇḍaśo or dalaśo , to fall to pieces Katha1s. ;
with śata-dhā , to fall into a hundred pieces ib. ;
to extend to (acc.) VarBr2S. ;
to last for (acc.) Hit. ;
to pass away , elapse (said of time) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to vanish , disappear (as wealth) Mr2icch. ;
to come to pass , prosper , succeed BhP. ;
to proceed , behave , act MBh. ;
to find out , discover MBh. ;
to receive or learn (a science) from (abl.) BhP. ;
to undertake , undergo (acc.) RV. ;
Impv. yātu , be it as it may Hit. : Pass. yāyate , to be gone or moved MBh. : Caus. yāpáyati (aor. ayīyapat) , to cause to depart , cause to go or march , dismiss Ka1v. BhP. ;
to cause to go towards (acc.) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 32 Sch. (cf. yāpita) ;
to direct (the gaze) towards (loc.) Bhartr2. (v.l. pātayati) ;
to drive away remove , cure (a disease) Sus3r. ;
to cause to pass or elapse , pass or spend (time) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to live (pāli yāpeti) DivyA7v. ;
to cause to subsist , support , maintain DivyA7v. ;
to induce MW. : Desid. yiyāsati , to intend or be about to go , desire to proceed MBh. Ka1v. &c : Intens. īyāyate (?) , to move Pras3nUp. ;
yāyayate,yāyeti,yāyāti Gr.
(H2) | yā 2 [p= 849,2] [L=171019]
( |
ifc.) going , moving (» ṛṇa- eva- , tura- , deva-yā).
(H1) | yā 3 [p= 850,2] [L=171221]
f. |
of 3. ya q.v.
(H1) | yātana [p= 851,1] [L=171352]
n. |
( √2. yat) requital , retaliation , return (with vairasya , revenge , vengeance) MBh.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 14.20, 19.58
Whitney Roots links: val
(H1) | val [p= 927,3] [L=188075]
( |
cf. √ bal , vall , and vṛ) cl.1 A1. ( Dha1tup. xiv , 20) valate (oftener P. valati ; cf. Va1m. v , 2 , 3 ; pf. vavale ; ind.p. valitvā Ka1v. ; aor. avaliṣṭa ; fut. valitā &c Gr.) , to turn , turn round , turn to (with abhimukham and acc. , or loc.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c ;
to be drawn or attached towards , be attached to (loc.) Nalo7d. Gi1t. ;
to move to and fro Hcat. ;
to go , approach , hasten Mcar. S3is3. ;
to return i.e. come back or home Uttamac. ;
to return i.e. depart or go away again ib. HParis3. ;
to break forth , appear Gi1t. ;
to increase Sa1h. ;
to cover or enclose or to be covered (cf. √1. vṛ) L. : Caus. valayati or vālayati ( Dha1tup. xix , 58 ; aor. avīvalat) , to cause to move or turn or roll S3is3. HParis3. Naish. Sch. ;
to cherish &c W. (rather bālayati ; » √2 bal): Desid. of Caus. in vivālayiṣu q.v.
(H1) | vi-cchad 1 [p= 959,2] [L=194905]
( |
1 √chad) , Caus. -cchādayati , to uncover , unclothe (only ChUp. viii , 10 , 2 , as v.l. for -cchāyayati).
(H1) | vi-cchad 2 [L=194906]
( |
3 √chad) , Caus. -chandayati , to render or return homage (?) Buddh.
(H1) | vi- √ jīv [p= 960,3] [L=195194]
P. |
-jīvati , to revive , return to life MBh.
(H3) | vidyā́--vikraya [p= 964,2] [L=195851]
m. |
" sale of knowledge " , instruction in return for payment Pan5cat.
(H1) | vi-ni- √ vṛt [p= 971,2] [L=197123]
A1. |
-vartate , to turn back , return MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to turn away , desist or cease from (abl.) ib. ;
to cease , end , disappear Mn. MBh. &c ;
to be extinguished (as fire) Ya1jn5. ;
to be omitted La1t2y. : Caus. -vartayati , to cause to return , call or lead back from (abl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to cause to cease or desist from (abl.) R. Ma1rkP. ;
to draw back (a missile) MBh. ;
to avert , divert (the gaze) R. Ma1lav. ;
to give up , abandon MBh. R. ;
to cause to cease , remove R. ;
to render ineffective , annul (a curse , fraudulent transactions &c ) S3vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2) | vi-nivartana [L=197125]
n. |
turning back , return MBh. R. &c
[L=197126] |
coming to an end , cessation |
Das3ar. Sch.
(H1) | vindhya [p= 972,2] [L=197343]
m. |
(of doubtful derivation) N. of a low range of hills connecting the Northern extremities of the Western and Eastern Ghauts , and separating Hindustan proper from the Dekhan (the vindhya range is reckoned among the seven principal ranges of bhārata-varṣa [see kulagiri , [p= 294,3]] , and according to Manu ii , 21 , forms the Southern limit of madhya-deśa or the middle region ; according to a legend related in MBh. iii , 8782 &c , the personified vindhya , jealous of himā*laya , demanded that the sun should revolve round him in the same way as about meru , which the sun declining to do , the vindhya then began to elevate himself that he might bar the progress of both sun and moon ; the gods alarmed , asked the aid of the saint agastya , who approached the vindhya and requested that by bending down he would afford him an easy passage to the South country , begging at the same time that he would retain a low position till his return ; this he promised to do , but agastya never returned , and the vindhya range consequently never attained the elevation of the himā*laya) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=197344] |
N. |
of a prince HParis3.
[L=197345] |
a hunter |
(H1) | vi-pari- √ vṛt [p= 974,1] [L=197659]
A1. |
-vartate , to turn round , revolve Bhag. ;
to roll (on the ground) Mn. vi , 22 ;
to move about , roam , wander MBh. ;
&c ;
to turn round or back , return MBh. ;
to be transformed , change , alter ib. ;
to visit or afflict continually ib. : Caus. -vartayati , to cause to turn round or revolve , turn round or away La1t2y. MBh. &c
(H2) | vi-parivartana [L=197660]
mf |
(ī)n. causing to turn round or to return
(H2B) | vi-parivartana [L=197662]
n. |
turning round A1pS3r. Sch.
(H2B) | vi-parivartana [L=197663]
n. |
rolling about , wallowing R.
(H2B) | vi-parivartanī [L=197661]
f. |
(with or scil. vidyā) a partic. magical formula supposed to be efficacious in causing the return of an absent person Katha1s.
(H2) | vi-parivṛtti [L=197666]
f. |
turning round or back , return Prab.
(H1) | vi-parī* [L=197670]
( |
-pari- √i) P. -pary-eti , to turn round or back , return S3Br. ;
to turn out badly or wrongly , fail , Ma1lati1m.
(H1) | vi-pare* [p= 974,2] [L=197717]
( |
-parā- √i ; only Impv. -páretana) , to go back again , return RV. x , 85 , 33.
(H1) | vi-paly- √ ay [L=197747]
( |
paly = pari ay = √i) A1. -ayate , to go back , turn round , return S3Br.
(H3) | vi-° vártana [p= 988,3] [L=200293]
mfn. |
turning round , revolving MBh.
[L=200294] |
changing , transforming |
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200295]
n. |
(ifc. f(ā).) rolling (of a horse) RV. i , 162 , 14
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200296]
n. |
rolling or tossing about , struggling Ka1v. Katha1s. (also f(ā). Harav. )
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200297]
n. |
moving or wandering to and fro Mn. xii , 75
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200298]
n. |
turning round Sus3r.
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200299]
n. |
turning , turn , change TBr. Ma1lati1m.
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200300]
n. |
turning away or back MBh. Ka1lid.
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200301]
n. |
returning , return Kir.
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200302]
n. |
a kind of dance (also -nṛtya n.) Sam2gi1t.
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200303]
n. |
transformation RPra1t.
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200304]
n. |
existing , being , abiding W.
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200305]
n. |
going round , circumambulating (an altar &c ) ib.
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200306]
n. |
reverential salutation MW.
(H3B) | vi-° vártana [L=200307]
n. |
causing to turn or to change , overturning ib.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 28.130
Whitney Roots links: viS
(H1) | viś 1 [p= 989,2] [p= 989,1] [L=200376]
cl.6 P. |
( Dha1tup. xxviii , 130) viśáti (rarely , in later language mostly mc. also A1. viśate ; pf. vivéśa , viviśe RV. &c [viveśitha , viveśuḥ RV. ; viviśyās ib. ; p. -viśivás AV. ; viviśivas or viviśvas Pa1n2. 7-2 , 68 ; aviveśīs RV. ] ; aor. áviśran , ávikṣmahi , veśīt RV. ; avikṣat Br. &c ; avikṣata Gr. ; Prec. viśyāt ib. ; fut. veṣṭā MBh. ; vekṣyati , °te Br. &c ; inf. veṣṭum MBh. &c ; veṣṭavai Br. ; viśam RV. ; ind.p. -viśya AV. &c ) , to enter , enter in or settle down on , go into (acc. loc. , or antar with gen.) , pervade RV. &c &c (with punar or bhūyas , to re-enter , return , come back) ;
to be absorbed into (acc.) Bhag. ;
(in astron.) to come into conjunction with (acc.) VarBr2S. ;
(with agnim , jvalanam &c ) to enter the fire i.e. ascend the funeral pyre MBh. R. &c ;
(with apas) to sink or be immersed in the water BhP. ;
to enter (a house &c ) Hariv. ;
to appear (on the stage) R. Ka1m. ;
to go home or to rest RV. S3a1n3khBr. ;
to sit down upon (acc. or loc.) R. Hariv. ;
to resort or betake one's self to (agratas , agre , or acc.) Ragh. Pur. ;
to flow into (and , join with , ; applied to rivers and armies) Ra1jat. v , 140 ;
to flow or redound to , fall to the share of (acc.) Hariv. Ragh. &c ;
to occur to (as a thought , with acc.) R. ;
to befall , come to (as death , with acc.) BhP. ;
to belong to , exist for (loc.) ib. ;
to fall or get into any state or condition (acc.) R. S3a1ntis3. ;
to enter upon , undertake , begin R. BhP. ;
to mind (any business) , attend to (dat.) MBh. xii , 6955 : Caus. veśáyati , °te (aor. avīviśat ; Pass. veśyate) , to cause to enter into (acc.) AV. ;
to cause to sit down on (loc.) BhP. : Desid. vivikṣati , to wish to enter (acc.) BhP. ;
(with agnim or vahnim) to wish to enter the fire i.e. to ascend the funeral pyre Katha1s. : Intens. veviśyate , veveṣṭi , Gr. ([cf. Gk. οἶκος ; Lat. vicus ; Lith. ve0sze8ti ; Slav. vi8si8 ; Goth. weihs ; Angl.Sax. wi7c ; Germ , wi7ch , Weich-bild.])
(H2) | víś 2 [p= 989,2] [L=200387]
f. |
(m. only L. ; nom. sg. víṭ ; loc. pl. vikṣú) a settlement , homestead , house , dwelling (viśás páti " lord of the house " applied to agni and indra) RV.
[L=200388] |
(also |
pl.) a community , tribe , race (pl. also " subjects " , " people " , " troops ") RV. AV. VS. Br. MBh. BhP.
[L=200389] |
(sg. and |
pl.) the people κατ᾽ , ἐξοχήν , (in the sense of those who settle on the soil ; sg. also " a man of the third caste " , a vaiśya ; viśām with patiḥ or nāthaḥ or īśvaraḥ &c , " lord of the people " , a king , sovereign) S3Br. &c
[L=200390] |
with |
sāma N. of a sāman
[L=200391] |
( |
pl.) property , wealth BhP.
[L=200392] |
entrance |
(H2B) | víś 2 [L=200393]
mf. |
a man in general , person L.
(H2B) | víś 2 [L=200394]
fn. |
feces L. (w.r. for viṣ).
(H1) | vy-ati- √ han [p= 1030,3] [L=208601]
P. |
-hanti , to strike back or in return MBh. Bhat2t2. ;
to strike each other , fight together Pa1n2. 1-3 , 15 : to kill together Pat.
Another 25 words for return:
1 vyāghuṭ (return)
2 vyāghuṭana (return)
3 vyāvṛt (return)
4 vraj (return)
5 saṃnivṛt (return)
6 saṃnivartana (return)
7 saṃnivartanivartita (return)
8 samabhivṛt (return)
9 samāgam (return)
10 samāvṛt (return)
11 samāvarta (return)
12 samāvartana (return)
13 samāvartanīya (return)
14 samāvraj (return)
15 samparivṛt (return)
16 sampratibhāṣ (return)
17 sampraveśita (return)
18 saṣaṃphāra (return)
19 sudhāhara (return)
20 sopādhi (return)
21 svasthībhū (return)
22 anāvṛttibhaya (return)
23 aparāvṛttabhāgadheya (return)
24 aparāvṛttivartin (return)
25 pratisatkṛta (return) vyāghuṭ
(H1) | vy-ā- √ ghuṭ [p= 1036,2] [L=209540]
(only |
ind.p. -ghuṭya) , to turn back , return Pan5cat.
(H3) | vy-° āghuṭana [L=209541]
n. |
turning back , return HParis3.
(H1) | vy-ā- √ vṛt [p= 1039,1] [L=210029]
A1. |
-vartate (rarely P.) , to become separated or singled out from (instr.) RV. AV. Br. ;
to become separated or distinct , be distinguished as or in some partic. form of. MaitrUp. ;
to turn or wind in different directions , divide (as a road) MBh. ;
to be dispersed (as an army) Hariv. ;
to be opened Sus3r. ;
to turn away from , part with , get rid of (instr. or abl.) Ragh. Katha1s. ;
to diverge from , be inconsistent with (abl.) Sarvad. ;
to go away , depart S3a1ntis3. ;
to come back , return Ratna7v. Ra1jat. ;
to turn round , revolve R. ;
to sink (as the sun) MBh. ;
to come to an understanding or settlement AitBr. ;
to come to an end , cease , perish , disappear MBh. Hariv. &c : Caus. -vartayati (Pass. -vartyate) , to divide , separate from (instr. or abl. ; ind.p. -vartya , " with the exception of " Ba1lar. ) . TBr. &c ;
to free from (instr.) MaitrS. ;
to turn about or round MBh. Ka1d. ;
to keep back , avert R. ;
to throw about , strew MBh. ;
to exchange , substitute one for another Hariv. ;
to lay aside (the staff) R. ;
(with anyathā) to retract (a word) MBh. ;
to remove (pain or distress) Vikr. ;
to destroy or annul (an enemy or a rule) Ragh. xv , 7 : Desid. -vivṛsate , to wish or intend to liberate one's self from or get rid of (abl.) S3Br.
(H2) | vy-āvṛ́t [p= 1039,2] [L=210049]
f. |
distinction , superiority , pre-eminence over (gen. or instr.) TS. TBr. Ka1t2h.
[L=210050] |
cessation |
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 32.74
Whitney Roots links: vraj
(H1) | vraj [p= 1041,3] [L=210432]
cl.1 P. |
( Dha1tup. viii , 79) vrájati (mc. also °te ; pf. vavrā́ja RV. &c ; aor. avrājīt Br. Up. ; fut. vrajitā Gr. ; vrajiṣyati Br. &c ; inf. vrajitum MBh. ; ind.p. vrajitvā , -vrájya , -vrājam Br. &c ) , to go , walk , proceed , travel , wander , move (also applied to inanimate objects ; with acc. or instr. of the road acc. of the distance , and acc. , rarely loc. or dat. , of the place or object gone to ; with or scil. padbhyām , " to go on foot " ; with upānadbhyām id. lit. " with shoes " ; with dhuryais , " to travel by means of beasts of burden " ; with paramāṃgatim , " to attain supreme bliss " ; with śaraṇam and acc. , " to take refuge with " ; with mūrdhnā pādau and gen. , " to prostrate one's self at anyone's feet " ; with antam and gen. , " to come to the end of " ; with anyena , anyatra or anyatas , " to go another way or elsewhere " ; with adhas , either " to sink down [to hell] " or " to be digested [as food] " ; with punar , " to return to life ") RV. &c ;
to go in order to , be going to (dat. inf. or an adj. ending in aka [e.g. bhojako vrajati , " he is going to eat "]) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 15 ; iii , 3 , 10 &c ;
to go to (a woman) , have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Mn. Sus3r. ;
to go against , attack (an enemy ; also with vidviṣam , dviṣato'bhimukham , abhy-ari &c ) Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1m. ;
to go away. depart from (abl.) , go abroad , retire , withdraw , pass away (as time) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to undergo , go to any state or condition , obtain , attain to , become (esp. with acc. of an abstract noun e.g. with vināśam , " to go to destruction , become destroyed " ; with chattratām , " to become a pupil " ; with nirvṛtim , " to grow happy " [cf. √ gam , yā &c ] ; with sukham , " to feel well " ; with jīvan , " to escape alive ") ib. : Caus. or cl.10 P. ( Dha1tup. xxxii , 74) vrājayati , to send , drive , AitA1r. ;
to prepare , decorate Dha1tup. : Desid. vivrajiṣati Gr.: Intens. vāvrajate , vāvrakti , to go crookedly Pa1n2. 3-1 , 23 Sch.
(H1) | saṃ-ni- √ vṛt [p= 1147,3] [L=232140]
A1. |
-vartate , to turn back , return from (abl.) MBh. R. &c ;
to desist from (abl.) R. Pur. ;
to leave off , cease , stop BhP. ;
to pass away MBh. : Caus. -vartayati , to cause to return or turn back , send back MBh. R. ;
to hinder , prevent or divert from (abl.) ib. ;
to cause to cease , suppress , stop R.
(H1) | saṃ-nivartana [p= 1147,2] [L=232096]
&c |
» saṃ-ni √vṛt , col.3.
(H2) | saṃ-nivartana [p= 1147,3] [L=232141]
n. |
(also pl.) turning back , return MBh. R.
(H3) | saṃ-nivarta° nivartita [L=232142]
mfn. |
(fr. Caus.) caused to return , sent back or away Ma1rkP.
(H1) | sam-abhi- √ vṛt [p= 1156,1] [L=233677]
A1. |
-vartate , to go towards , advance MBh. ;
to attack , assail Hariv. ;
to come near , approach MBh. ;
to turn back , return , recur Sus3r. ;
to remain , continue (tūṣṇīm , " silent ") R. ;
w.r. for sam-ati- √vṛt.
(H1) | sam-ā- √ gam [p= 1159,1] [L=234060]
P. |
-gacchati , to come together (in a friendly or hostile manner ; also sexually) , meet , be united with (instr. with and without saha , or sā*rdham) S3Br. ChUp. MBh. &c ;
to come together (as heavenly bodies in conjunction or occultation) VarBr2S. ;
to come to , come near , approach , arrive at (acc. or loc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to come back , return from (abl.) ib. ;
to meet with , come upon , find (acc.) MBh. : Caus. -gamayati , to cause to come together , bring together , unite one thing or person (acc.) with another (instr. or loc.) R. Vikr.
(H1) | sam-ā- √ vṛt [p= 1162,3] [L=234634]
A1. |
-vartate , to turn back , come back , return RV. &c ;
to return home (said esp. of a brahma-cārin or young Brahman student of the veda who has returned home after completing his studies in the house of a preceptor) Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c ;
to come near , approach MBh. to turn towards (acc. ; pradakṣiṇam , " with one's right side ") R. ;
to turn out well , succeed MBh. xii , 5155 ;
to come to nought , perish VS. ( Mahi1dh. ) : Caus. -vartayati , to cause to return , drive away or home RV. ;
to dismiss (a pupil after the completion of his studies) ChUp. ;
to repeat , recite VarYogay. Hcar.
(H1) | sam-āvarta [p= 1162,2] [L=234599]
&c |
» sam-ā- √vṛt.
(H2) | sam-āvarta [p= 1162,3] [L=234635]
m. |
turning back , return to (loc.) MBh.
[L=234636] |
N. |
of viṣṇu ib.
(H2) | sam-āvartana [L=234637]
n. |
returning , (esp.) the return home of a Brahman student as above (also " the saṃskāra ceremony performed on the above occasion " ; cf. saṃskāra) Mn. S3am2k. BhP. Sarvad. ( RTL. 353 &c )
(H3) | sam-° āvartanīya [L=234640]
mfn. |
relating to a return , Kaus3.
(H1) | sam-ā- √ vraj [p= 1163,1] [L=234655]
P. |
-vrajati , to go back , return MBh.
(H1) | sam-pari- √ vṛt [p= 1172,3] [L=236108]
A1. |
-vartate , to turn round , roll round (with acc.) , revolve , roll (as the eyes ; with hṛdi or manasi , " to turn over in the mind ") MBh. Hariv. R. &c ;
to exist MW. ;
to turn back , return R. ;
to turn back or desist from (abl.) BhP. : Caus. -vartayati , to lead round R. ;
to wring (the hands) DivyA7v.
(H1) | sam-prati- √ bhāṣ [p= 1174,3] [L=236366]
A1. |
-bhāṣate , to speak in return , answer MBh.
(H3) | sam-° praveśita [p= 1176,2] [L=236572]
mfn. |
(fr. Caus.) made or allowed to enter or return (opp. to nir-vāsita , " exiled ") Ra1jat.
(H3) | sa--ṣaṃphāra [p= 1192,1] [L=239800]
mfn. |
having the means of restraint (said of magical weapons which can only be made to return to the owner by repeating certain mantras) MW.
(H3) | su-dhā--hara [p= 1226,1] [L=246994]
m. |
" nectar-stealer " , N. of garuḍa (fabled to have stolen the moon's nectar for the serpent children of kadrū , wife of kaśyapa , in return for which his mother vinatā , also one of kaśyapa's wives , was released from subjection to kadru) L.
(H1) | so* pā* dhi [p= 1249,2] [L=252677]
mfn. |
restricted by some condition or limitation or stipulation , qualified , by some condition (as liberality by the desire of receiving something in return) MW.
[L=252678] |
having some peculiar attribute or distinguishing title |
(H1C) | so* pā* dhi [L=252679]
ind. |
with limitations , conditionally.
(H3) | svá--sthī- √ bhū [p= 1277,1] [L=258288]
P. |
-bhavati , to become one's self , return to one's natural condition , become well or sober Prab.
(H2) | an-āvṛtti-bhaya [p= 1311,2] [L=305520]
mfn. |
having no fear of return to worldly existence, Kum.
(H3) | a-parāvṛtta--bhāgadheya [p= 1314,1] [L=309720.1]
mfn. |
one to whom fortune does not return, miserable, Vikr.
(H3) | a-parāvṛtti--vartin [L=309730.1]
mfn. |
turned away not to return, dcceased, Hariv.
(H2) | pratisatkṛta [p= 1330,3] [L=336640]
mfn. |
honoured in return, MBh.